Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Green Introduction

A little bit about myself

Hello green world, my name is Jeff, I’m a 27 year old tech freak that deeply cares about the environment. I have made this blog with the intention of helping others become more green friendly, save more money and to be able to use modern day technology to achieve this.

How Technology has changed our world

Tech evolves everyday at a higher rate than anyone could ever imagine. We walk with our personal computers in our own pockets that is more powerful than any computer only 20 years ago. We can avoid car accidents with new car detection radars which was though impossible at first. With tech, anything is truly possible with time, dedication and a dream. My personal goal is to spread the message of new and up and coming inventions that has the potential to change our destructive environmental behaviour.

Unfortunately we still are facing an environmental problem with pollution, global warming and green house gasses. Hopefully in the near future for the sake of our future generations, we can get global warming under control for our future grand children to enjoy the earth as much as we have.
In my blog I will be sharing tips, tricks and guides on how you can save money at home, work or in your car which in turn will reduce things like electricity consumption, green house gasses emissions and general pollution all of which contribute to global warming. 

You will be surprised at how much money you can save each year by simply turning off your charger at night when it’s not needed, or time your heaters to turn on just before you reach your home after work saving you a great amount of money on your gas bills. All of these tips will be discussed in the up and coming months. I will be aiming to post at least 4 posts each week, but due to my busy work schedule, this could fall down to 2. Nevertheless I hope you guys have enjoyed this intro post and if any tips I shared with you are helpful in any way, please feel free to share with your friends and family so they can enjoy the benefits of becoming eco-friendly.                      

Thanks for reading

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